In studying Egyptology, the Jackal god Anubis has long been my favorite amongst the pantheon of ancient deities. In the past he was worshiped widely as he would give hope to people that, through his guidance, their body would be respected at death and their soul would be protected and justly judged. He would oversee the preparation of the body, guide the soul into the Hall of Judgement, and advocate on the soul's behalf during final judgement to determine acceptance or rejection of the soul into an everlasting afterlife.
In my imagination, Anubis knows my soul well and would manifest himself in little more fabulous manner than usual when acting on my behalf as protector, advocate and judge. (At least I hope so.)
This assemblage contains pieces and materials collected over the years including a wooden box, an Anubis figure inherited from a friend, smashed spokes from a car hubcap, rusted roses, jewelry from loved ones, postage stamps from a past life, and (of course) many many sequins, beads and crystals.