Okay, so here's the deal.

I go to the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view the most amazing exhibition: "Girl with a Pearl Earring - Dutch Paintings from the Mauritshuis". It was incredibly inspiring, and my creative juices were flowing prodigiously as I start my drive home through the city. Passing through North Beach (yes I was lost), my eye was caught by the stenciled words "Post No Bills" sprayed on construction walls fronting a store front under remodel. Sprayed many times. Many times. So many times, there was no room left to post bills should one have been so inclined.

So upon my return to the studio, what little inspirational nugget am I most excited to explore following my trip through the marvels of Northern European masterpiece paintings and etchings?

Yep, you got it.